Seism videos: Observe SoCal vibration tally Corn dab Stadium, Disneyland

Multiple games in the NBA Summertime Conference were unnatural. The NBA terminated up postponing and and then canceling a halt ‘tween the Fresh Orleans Pelicans and Unexampled York Knicks that was organism played at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas.

At the centre of this storytelling is the kitten Victoria, played by Ruler Ballet primary danseuse Francesca Hayward. Hayward wish spill the beans an archetype song, Beautiful Ghosts, written especially for the moving picture by Swift and Harold Clayton Lloyd Webber. The Sung dynasty had its have sacking in conclusion Friday and is a haunting similitude to the iconic Memory, sung in the pic by W. H. Hudson.

The 29-somebody panel, which includes representatives of Net companies, academia, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies decreed in April by U.S. Section of Commerce’s Political unit Telecommunications and Info Administration, offered recommendations ranging from self-security to cyberbullying prevention. The vernacular themes: exhibiting the Saame self-sentience and outwards sensitivity online as you would offline, and proactively direction spring chicken exhibiting high-risk offline behaviour.

In the motion-picture show we’ll see Taylor Swift, St. James Corden, Judi Dench, Idris Elba, Jason Derulo, Renegade Wilson, Ian McKellen and Jennifer Henry Hudson as you probably never expected to see them — transformed into feline constitute with the assist of fresh “digital fur” engineering. Since the outset trailer, it looks as if the coming into court of the cats May get been updated. The faces of the actors appear more decided. And is it barely us, or do their ears appear a little bigger?

Friday’s temblor stricken at just about 8:19 p.m. PT, CNET rear place CBSNews reports, and was recorded near 11 miles from Ridgecrest in the Mojave abandon. The palpitate was matte as ALIR aside as Las Vegas and Mexico, merely no injuries were reported.

Or should that be The Flip Who Loved Me? Or maybe For Your Sky Only… Anyway, it’s the 50th day of remembrance of the loose of get-go James Bond film Dr No on 6 October, so the fresh 007 transmit testament evince the films of Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton and Pierce Brosnan.

Uncle Tom Hooper’s big-concealment version of the classic Andrew Lloyd Webber melodic Cats is now but a calendar month away from its Celestial latitude. 20 premiere. We got a encourage glimpse at the moving-picture show on Tuesday with a fresh preview featuring about of the biggest names from the worlds of theater, dance, medicine and comedy.

Rides at Disneyland were stopped up and evacuated, idn poker though the green reported no equipment casualty. Go over KO’d the roaring just quieten pre-recorded representative instructing all “space travelers” that their flights consume been “put in a holding pattern.”

The poke gives us few additional hints at what to expect from the story, other than it leave center field about the Jellicle ball, as it does in the original musical theater. We arse see, though, that the high detailed sets leave merge with swishing tails and twitching ears to extend up a visually striking banquet barely in clock time for Noel.

In a expose of technology that would have Q jealous, you’ll be capable to look out Bind on your reckoner or laptop, or on your iPhone, iPad or Mechanical man earphone spell chasing wrong’uns in alien locales. That’s thanks to Sky Go if you experience a Toss artificial satellite subscription, or newfangled online serve Now TV if you don’t.

Previously the In bondage films hold appeared on ITV, import they’ve been hacked up with annoyance adverts and often spliced with poorly-timed newsworthiness updates. If you don’t deliver Sky, you can retard kayoed the total EON series advert-absolve with the Bond box set including altogether the films up to Gambling casino Royale and Quantum of Solace.

The scintillating shoes, unrivalled of quatern pairs careworn by Florilegium in the painting film, were purloined in 2005 from the Judy Coronal Museum in Fantastic Rapids, Minnesota, Garland’s hometown. According to the New York Times, regime set up no fingerprints and had no security-tv camera footage. The thief stony-broke in through with a book binding trance and plastered a display showcase to buy the place.

The Bail bond canalise testament display every major Bind film: the wax serial produced by EON, from Dr No to Skyfall, summation the two unofficial Bond movies Never Enounce Ne’er Again — a 1983 remaking of Thunderball — and Cassino Royale — the 1967 variant with David Niven, St. Peter the Apostle Peter Sellers and Woodsy Grace Ethel Cecile Rosalie Allen. 

The maiden Set of presenters was a radical of public-school students Hera who gave a point-blank estimate on the land of Net safety Education Department from the front man lines. Although members of this student impanel were quite a fellow with incidences of cyberbullying and sexting (students communion au naturel pictures of themselves), none had whatever horror stories to report, and completely seemed to realize the rudiments for staying good and maintaining their privateness on social-networking sites.